
Published Books

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“The Warriors of Actron” is a fantasy fiction about a girl named Evelyn. After her dad is killed and her mom is kidnapped by her evil uncle, Alistair, she meets the Warriors of Actron, Calix Fairfax, Vera and Amias Knight. The three young teens fighting to protect Actron from Alistair, set out on journey to help Evelyn find her mom and find out the truth about her true identity.

Previous Releases

The Heart of Time is a children’s fiction, supernatural novel on a necklace that holds the power to let the dead reach Paradise. One person has to sacrifice their afterlife to hold the real world and afterlife together. That person wears The Heart of Time and lives in an empty in-between world. For the past few centuries, the transition was easy, but moments before Amber’s death, the Heart of Time gets in the wrong hands and stops the transition from the real life to afterlife. Now, it is up to Amber, to be strong and fix this problem. The ghosts are relying on her and the longer she takes, the more the ghosts overflow and some…disappear.